Key Features:
− Inner Circle
-- Don't miss Tweets from your BFFs - Create a "favorite users" list and save yourself hassle searching for their Tweets in your timeline.
− Mute
-- Tired of hearing about a certain topic? Mute hashtags or Twitter users for a period of time. Like, forever.
− Menu Customization
-- For quick & easy access, add your most-used features to the UberBar.
− Facebook, BBM and Gchat status Cross Posting
-- Connect your app to post Tweets to Facebook or edit your status on BBM or Gchat. One simple step.
− Multiple Accounts
-- Have a split personality? So do we. Seamlessly manage multiple social accounts all in one place.
− Conversation View
-- Stay atop the conversation better by seeing the previous Tweets and replies for a given chat; really know who's said what so far.
− LivePreviewTM
-- View rich media in real-time. Check out links, videos and images in your main timeline without having to leave the app.
− Shortcuts
-- Lots of keyboard shortcuts to help you Tweet faster, easier.
− Emoticon Shortcuts
-- We get it – sometimes a picture is worth 140 characters.
− Themes
-- UberSocial comes with themes - color, movies, sports, celebrities - to enhance your Tweeting experience.
− Extra Services
-- Choose from the best services to upload photos, videos, shorten links, or send Tweets over 140 characters with TMI.me.
− The fun don't stop
-- We offer even more great features, like customized notifications, location services, advanced Twitter search, edit profile, and of course the full Twitter functionality set (Tweet, ReTweet, Direct Message, @Mention, lists) and more!
UberSocial supports inline viewing of photos and videos from the following services: twitpic, mypict.me, yfrog, pic.gd, tweetphoto.com, lockerz, flickr, mobypicture, twitvid, twitgoo, twitsnap, imgur, instagram
Changes from 1.421 to 1.432 include:
-Added the ability to purchase an ad subscription using a in-app purchase via BlackBerry World.
Version: 1.432
File Size: 1 MB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download UberSocial v1.432
OS 5.0
OS 6.0
OS 7.0 - 7.1
BlackBerry World

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome
Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi http://blackberryprogram.blogspot.com/2013/12/ubersocial-v1432.html
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