SMS Backup v1.2

SMS Backup v1.2 - SMS Backup is a simple BlackBerry® app that backs up your device's text messages. SMS Backup app will forward all your incoming and outgoing SMS messages to email inbox of your choice and on your device.

SMS Backup for BlackBerry

Never ever lose an SMS and get them forwarded to one of your email addresses and also get them saved in the application itself.Automatically keeps a backup of sent and received text messages via your email account and also stores them on your device. SMS Backup App takes Backup of all the Text messages on your device and also sends e-mail to a particular E-mail either on Real time or on Daily basis.You can view backup contents on your phone as well as email, and choose to backup selected conversations only.


1. Take Backup on Device as well as Email account

2. Filter SMS from particular contacts

3. Threaded Chat Style view of all the SMS

4. Schedule Backup time

5. Configurable email address for forwarding messages

Version: 1.2

File Size: 743 KB

Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download SMS Backup v1.2



BlackBerry World

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Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi

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