Unleash the potential of your device with Aura. Hideable homescreen, dynamic today area.
* Customize your homescreen with stylish texture, 5 vibrant colors and 4 opacity levels!

Unique Features:
* Easy to use.
* Entirely flexible homescreen, just click the arrows!
* Hideable weather slot, hideable sliding dock and today area.
* Dynamic today area - Swipe left/right to reveal more items (available on Touch and Non-touch!)
* Banner is clickable - Notifications, Clock, Signal, Battery and Profiles!
* Crisp, high-quality graphics.
* Bbt's Options Panel lets you customize the color and transparency of your homescreen!
* Hand-coded homescreen means Aura is fast, flexible and clean!

Version: 3.0
File Size: 985 KB
Compatible: BlackBerry Curve 8520, 8530, 9300 OS 5.0
Download Aura (8520/8530/9300 OS5)
BlackBerry World

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome
Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi http://blackberryprogram.blogspot.com/2013/11/aura-curve-852085309300-os-50.html
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