Light Rain Theme v2.4

Light Rain Theme v2.4 - Today, I submit to you the 2.4 version of the theme Mostly Cloudy. As more but do not see facebook, forum, the group still remind you of your theme so much to decide and continue editing.

Light Rain Theme v2.4

Light Rain v2.4 This little newer, with less wet wallpaper. Font clock is changed. The background of a menu, the menu font color also changes. Wallpaper of applications are also lit up a bit. Icons still does not change anything. More wallpaper . Regarding shortcuts, I would not change much because there are so many opinions on this.

Shortcuts Light Rain Theme v2.4:

-Alt + W or Alt + e to change the background banner bright or dark

-Alt + X or Alt + c to show or hide the pieces of paper + current owner

-Alt or Alt + o + i to hide or show the camera button.

-0 ( 0 ) to the SMS

-$ For the selected Profile

-f to on Facebook

-i so on Twiter

-ESCAPE to the icons in original location

Temporary version 2.4 will be for 9360 and 97xx - OS6 okay ! 8900 and 9000 will be fixed as soon as possible. To download the theme of your name please download the file attached below , remember to select the correct version okay.


Q & A :

Q1 : - How do I change the text in the paper ?

A : You go to Options - > Display > Message on Lock Screen and edit two lines of owner name and owner info . Then out of home screen , press alt + x to turn it off , alt + c to reopen . This will update the text on it .

Q2 : - I used 9700 but set in the not see anything ?

A : - It is possible that the file name or ... a certain part of the same theme is not compatible with the old version is used . So it is best to delete all your old version of the theme , reboot and reinstall version you want to use . If you still can not get it because you get the installation file is incorrect or missing links .

Size: 750 KB

Version: 2.4

Download Light Rain Theme v2.4


9650/9700/9780 OS 6.0

9350/9360/9370 OS 7.0 - 7.1


9650/9700/9780 OS 6.0

9350/9360/9370 OS 7.0 - 7.1

Light Rain Theme v2.4 Preview 1

Light Rain Theme v2.4 Preview 2

Light Rain Theme v2.4 Preview 3

Light Rain Theme v2.4

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome

Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi

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