Caro v1.5.7 Beta

Caro v1.5.7 Beta - BBMCaro | Game caro Vietnam's first integrated social networking world's largest mobile BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) Social.

Caro for BlackBerry


-There BIS / BES is using BBM

-There BlackBerry ID (To login)

-OS 5.0 or higher

-BBM 6.0 and above

-Supported devices: 85xx, 91xx, 93xx, 89xx, 9000, 95xx, 96xx, 97xx, 98xx, 99xx

How to install:

-BBM 6.0 or 7.0 - 7.1 pre-installed (if not already) at:

-BBMCaro OTA Install at:

-After installation is complete, run BBMCaro> Choose Connect

In the BBMCaro, the Menu will be:

-Invite friends to play: Invite you to play. Or from outside the game screen press I to invite. Only in BBM list you have set out to invite new BBMCaro.

-Invite friends to download: Invite your BBM list in BBMCaro download.

How to play:

-Use trackpad / trackball / touch to it.

-Who last 5 consecutive wins mark, 5 mark note on the front row is the winner regardless of the blocked 2 or 6 or 7 consecutive marks.

-If you go off the board that no one wins, the game will air

-Press C or Menu> Send Chat to chat during the game.

-Status The top is said to turn anyone away.

-Every design is the Record of opponents with a score of Win, Lose, Draw

-Below is the chat log displays the contents of 2 people chat through playing together.

Version: 1.5.7 Beta

File Size: 1.5 MB

Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download Caro v1.5.7 Beta (Choose your Device Resolution)


320 x 240

360 x 400

480 x 320

480 x 360

640 x 480

800 x 480


320 x 240

360 x 400

480 x 320

480 x 360

640 x 480

800 x 480

BlackBerry World

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome

Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi

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