SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon v2.1.2

SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon v2.1.2 - SmartBeBattery shows battery status as application icon on device home screen.

SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon

- To start SmartBeBattery just enter the application and after that hit the Back button

- To stop SmartBeBattery enter the application and select menu option Exit


* Battery charge status as percent on home screen application icon

* Battery status automatic update

* Three different icons depending on the battery status

* green - battery status more than 80%

* yellow - battery status between 20% and 80%

* red - battery status less than 20%

* Option to choose SmartBeBatery title from:

* Default name

* Battery temperature in Celsius

* Battery temperature in Fahrenheit

* Battery voltage in milliVolts

* Battery voltage in Volts

* Autostart on device restart - default unchecked

* Easy to use

SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon v2.1.2

SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon v2.1.2 for BlackBerry

Version: 2.1.2

File Size: 31 KB

Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download SmartBeBattery - Smart Battery Icon v2.1.2



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