Hope you use another theme that interested.
Shortcuts using theme:
Alt + W or Alt + e to change the background banner bright or dark
Alt + X or Alt + c to show or hide the pieces of paper + current owner
0 (0) to the sms
$ For the selected Profile
f to on Facebook
s to the Search
i so on Twiter
r for the Ring Tones
ESCAPE to the icons in original location
To modify our content to Options> Display> Message on Lock Screen.

Size: 700 KB
Version: 2.3
Download Light Rain Theme v2.0
8900 OS 5.0
9650/9700/9780 OS 6.0
9350/9360/9370 OS 7.x
8900 OS 5.0
9650/9700/9780 OS 6.0
9350/9360/9370 OS 7.x

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome
Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi http://blackberryprogram.blogspot.com/2013/07/light-rain-theme-v23.html
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