New Features Available in this Release:
-Chat! Ability to chat device to device. From the Channel overview or profile you can start a chat with the channel owner. If you’re a channel owner, make sure you enable chat in your channel profile.
-Subscriber count added to channel profile: no longer will you need to wonder the subscriber count for the channels you are subscribed to.
-Search Improvements: support for pagination and a new search animation.
-Support new lines in create post description field: add intrigue to your post by spacing out your description.
-Allow channel owners to exclude their channels from search – users can now create channels that will be excluded from search.
-Active text support for Channel PIN’s – whenever a BBM Channel ID is noted, users can select the Channel ID to open up the Channel within BBM. *Already supported on BBOS, new to BlackBerry 10

File Size: 6 MB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download BlackBerry Messenger v8.0.0.59 BETA
OS 5.0
OS 6.0
OS 7.0 - 7.1
OS 5.0
OS 6.0
OS 7.0 - 7.1
Animated gif pack > Download
Some animated gifs for you to try out your BBM Channel!
*)PLZ, DONT ASK SERIAL KEY HERE!! FIND YOUR SERIAL AT: https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/
*)If you already have BBM 8 Beta key, use it. If you dont have the key, follow this simple steps:
- Login to https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/defaults/bbid (Login with your BBID)
- See the Eligible Program and Download BBM Channel (BBOS)
- To see your serial number check your email inbox after Download BBM Channel (BBOS) at BetaZone.

Terima Membuat Sepatu Wanita Satuan Kontak Anni (PIN BB 233FD7A2,HP/Whatsapp/Line 081572985289) Mey Yung (PIN BB 32A6E0BD,HP 02295555022). Reseller Welcome
Sumber: BlackBerry Aplikasi http://blackberryprogram.blogspot.com/2013/07/blackberry-messenger-v80059-beta.html
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